The Road to Hell is Paved with Good Intentions

Speak out.  Understand that the analogy of “Tobacco use is a leading cause of cancer and of death from cancer…”- a quote from the National Cancer Institute, applies here.  Water, like Cigarette Smoke won’t kill you tomorrow.  But the long term affects of both are incontrovertible. All environmental factors are contributing to America’s cancer statistics: 1 in 4 and 1 in 3 women and men in the country respectively.  If you are a man, look to your left and to your right the next time you are in a theater, or shopping line.  Two of you will not succumb to cancer.  One of you will. The odds against are 2 to 1. If you play the odds….

But most environmental factors at some point have water providing the ultimate route for disease to the kidneys, colon, bladder, pancreas, thyroid, adrenals.

Reduce your need for plastic packaging when possible. Filtered water at your intake line may cost you $3000 now.  But that is $300 per year over 10 years exclusive of annual filter replacements.  Weighed against added years of a productive life; reduced or eliminated medical bills,… and certainly an improved quality of living,…. what choices would you make? Now?

Keep abreast of water news, food news, sustainable habitat designs, glass and steel alternatives for your water and food from a great number of sources.  

Take charge of your health.  No one else will.